What’s A TwitterView

A Twitterview is a combination of the terms Twitter, a popular microblogging platform, and interview. It is a type of interview for which the medium restricts the interviewer and interviewee to short-form responses. Twitter, from which the phrase was derived, limits users to 140 characters. The concise style of this form of interview encourages participants to be more direct with their statements. Unlike traditional interviews, a Twitterview allows the public to join in on the conversation and become participants themselves. It is typically conducted with a reliance on hashtags, marking the subject, so that online browsers may collectively search, view and track the ongoing dialogue.” ~ Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitterview

In simpler terms: A TwitterView is a one-on-one interview that occurs over Twitter.

A Twitterview is a great way to…

  • Create high-quality content,
  • Attract friends and followers,
  • Increase search engine rankings,
  • Generate leads,
  • Drive traffic.

Setting Up Your Twitterview

  1. We agree on a date & time to hold the Twitterview.
  2. You’ll get a list of 5 questions to be asked during the Twitterview (You can suggest others to ask so you can cover any subject you feel vital.) Your interview session using Twitter will last 30 minutes.
  3. You’ll only have 140 characters for each answer so by going over the list so that you can have your responses prepared and not have to do any quick thinking about how to shorten your response,
  4. Each question will contain a #hashtag to identify the Twitterview and you’ll want to use the same #hashtag when you respond,
  5. I’ll be promoting your Twitterview prior to the interview using social media [Twitter, Facebook, Google+, GoodReads…] and also using email. I’ll share the posts with you so that you can share them with your followers and friends.

Here’s an example of how the Twitterview will proceed:

  1. I’ll start the tweet with Q1 using a #hashtag to make it easy for you to follow. The #hashtag we recommend is #TV (for TwitterView) and then the TwitterVeiwee’s first and last initial.
  2. ReTweet the question to your followers.
  3. Reply with the answer, beginning the message with A1 and ending with the same #hashtag @TwitterViewee A1: Answer, Answer, Answer. #TVjv
  4. Then I ReTweet your answer
  5. I ask the next question by repeating steps 1-4 until all the questions have been asked and all the answers have been given (or we complete our 30 minutes).

The value of a TwitterView doesn’t end when the TwitterView is over. There are many ways to leverage your newly created content to increase your online presence, search engine rankings and drive traffic to your web site, blog or sales pages. You can also use this content to attract new followers even after the TwitterView is over. Here’s a short list of ways to put your content to work for you:

  1. Post the entire TwitterView to your blog
  2. Use social bookmarking sites to favorite the post.
  3. Create an audio recording of yourself talking about your TwitterView. Discuss the questions you were asked and the responses you gave.
  4. Create a video of yourself talking about the TwitterView. Post this video to YouTube, your blog and other video sites on the web.
  5. Create tweets about the new content you created and encourage your followers to see it and retweet it.

By following these steps you can increase your number of twitter followers, improve your SEO, attract prospects and make sales.

<><><> TweetReach.com has reported that @LynnettesBooks reaches over 400K Tweeps! Imagine all of this exposure and added visibility combined with your reach!! Then there’s the traffic, content potential, search engine rankings and leads that can be generated by a simple Twitterview!!!

~~All of this value for an investment of only $60~~

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